Available downloads

We are in the process of updating our online resources and the range of materials available for download. So please check back regularly for updates on the most relevant materials.

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Our brochures have been created to give you more information about James Heal and the products and services we offer.

James Heal - Measuring icon

Sales Toolkits

Our sales toolkits provide you with a detailed description of our instruments and instructions for installation and testing.

James Heal - Magnifying glass/quality inspection


Our flyers provide an overview of our instruments, including key features and benefits.

TruBurst Dome

Precision testing solutions

Our passion for testing is sparked by imagination and fuelled by expertise.

Indeed this passion for new ideas characterises the way we work with each other, our customers and our partners, to provide the most innovative solutions to solve even the most complex and challenging materials testing problems.

James Heal performance testing and technical textiles testing

Performance Testing

The growth of performance wear

Introducing the James Heal Performance Testing collection, a growing range of instruments designed for testing performance wear and technical textiles.

Test Materials

Reliable, repeatable testing requires high quality test materials.

With an enviable track record in quality and provenance, James Heal's test materials lead the marketing, ensuring our customers are getting the right result time after time.


Sales toolkits and promotional flyers for each of our testing instruments.

Instrument Resources Test types
James Heal - AirPro air permeability tester - close up of uplit testing head and touchscreen


Air Permeability Tester
AirPro - Flyer (PDF)1.33 MB, AirPro - STK4.7 MB Performance Testing, Air Permeability
James Heal AquAbrasion wet abrasion tester with TestWise Touch


Wet Abrasion Tester with TestWise Touch
AquAbrasion - Sales toolkit1.8 MB Abrasion, Performance Testing, Wet Testing
James Heal - Colour Matching Cabinets colour assessment cabinet

Colour Matching Cabinets

Visual Colour Assessment Light Booths
Visual Assessment, Colourfastness

Crease Recovery Tester

Measures the angle of recovery for textile materials


Crockmeter, colour fastness to rubbing tester
CrockMaster - Sales toolkit549.62 KB Colourfastness, Rubbing/Crocking
DurAbrasion - Versatile multi-station configurable Martindale


Customisable Abrasion Tester
DurAbrasion - Martindale options1.34 MB Abrasion, Durability, Pilling
James Heal - DynaWash garment and printed fabric durability tester


Garment and printed fabric durability tester with TestWise Touch™
DynaWash Sales toolkit1.15 MB Differential shrinkage, Durability, Laundering, Shrinkage
James Heal ElmaTear Digital Elmendorf Tear Tester with TouchWise OS


Digital Elmendorf Tear Tester with TestWise™
ElmaTear - Sales toolkit2.51 MB Tear


Multi-purpose Flammability Tester with TestWise Pro™
FlexiBurn - Instrument flyer3.26 MB Flammability


Stretch and Recovery Tester
FlexiFrame - Sales toolkit2.78 MB Stretch & Recovery
James Heal GyroWash Colour Fastness Tester with TestWise Touch


Colour Fastness Tester with TestWise Touch™
GyroWash - Sales toolkit (PDF) 2.55 MB Visual Assessment, Colourfastness, Laundering
HydroView hydrostatic head tester - fabric water resistance/penetation tester by James Heal


Hydrostatic Head Tester
HydroView - Sales Tool Kit (PDF)6.44 MB, HydroView - Flyer (PDF)1.54 MB Performance Testing, Wet Testing
James Heal - Impulse, random tumble pilling tester


Random Tumble Pilling Tester with TestWise Touch™
Impulse - Sales toolkit1002.6 KB Pilling, Snagging, Durability
TD6-6LAB - Standardised European tumble dryer, from James Heal

James Heal TD6-6LAB+

Standardised European Tumble Dryer
TD6-6LAB+ Sales ToolKit2.2 MB Durability, Laundering, Shrinkage
James Heal - Martindale Midi - 5-station abrasion and pilling tester


Abrasion and Pilling Tester with TestWise Touch
Abrasion, Pilling, Durability
James Heal - Martindale Mini - 2-station abrasion and pilling tester


Abrasion and Pilling Tester with TestWise Touch
Abrasion, Pilling, Durability
James Heal Martindale Maxi (9-station) abrasion and pilling stester


Abrasion and Pilling Tester with TestWise Touch
Martindale - Sales toolkit3.99 MB Abrasion, Pilling, Durability
James Heal - Orbitor, pilling and snagging tester


Pilling and Snagging Tester with TestWise Touch™
Orbitor - Sales toolkit2.6 MB Pilling, Snagging
James Heal - Perspirometer, perspirometer tester


Perspiration Tester
Perspirometer - Sales datasheet805.78 KB Perspiration/Water, Colourfastness
James Heal - ProDry Dry Rate Tester product photo


Dry Rate Tester
ProDry - Sales toolkit365.55 KB Performance Testing
James Heal ProMace Mace Snag Tester with TestWise Touch


Mace Snag Tester with TestWise Touch™
ProMace - Sales toolkit1.33 MB Snagging
James Heal ProView universal assessment viewer


Universal Assessment Viewer
ProView - Sales toolkit446.05 KB Visual Assessment, Snagging
James Heal - QuickTest UTM range


Universal Testing Machine
QuickTest - Sales toolkit (PDF)2.71 MB Compression, Strength, Stretch & Recovery, Tear, Tensile Strength
James Heal - Sample Cutter, for preparing test specimen

Sample Cutters

For the preparation of test specimens
Sample Cutters - Flyer39.49 KB Abrasion, Pilling
James Heal - SnagPod snagging resistance tester


Snagging Resistance Tester for use with Orbitor
SnagPod - Flyer69.35 KB Snagging, Durability

Spray Rating Tester

Water Repellency Tester
Spray Rating Tester - Flyer67.57 KB Wet Testing
James Heal ThermaPlate scorch and sublimation tester with TestWise OS


Scorch and Sublimation Tester with TestWise Touch™
ThermaPlate - Sales toolkit1.72 MB Colourfastness, Shrinkage
James Heal Titan 25 universal testing machine, 25 kN tensile and compressive strength tester


Universal Testing Machine with TestWise™
Titan 25 - Flyer210.33 KB Tensile Strength, Compression, Tear, Strength, Peel Strength, Seam Strength, Stretch & Recovery
James Heal Titan 10 universal testing machine, 10 kN tensile and compressive strength tester


Universal Testing Machine with TestWise™
Titan 10 - Flyer211.66 KB Tensile Strength, Compression, Tear, Strength, Peel Strength, Seam Strength, Stretch & Recovery


Universal Testing Machine with TestWise™
Titan range - Sales toolkit (PDF)2.45 MB Compression, Strength, Stretch & Recovery, Tear, Tensile Strength


Pneumatic Bursting Strength Tester with TestWise™
TruBurst - Sales datasheet113.62 KB Burst strength testing, Strength


Xenon Arc Light Fastness Tester with TestWise Touch™
TruFade - Sales toolkit990.14 KB Colourfastness, Visual Assessment, Lightfastness


Water Repellency Tester
TruRain - Sales toolkit - Sustainability1.84 MB Performance Testing, Wet Testing


Standardised European Washing Machine
Wascator - Sales toolkit2.02 MB Durability, Shrinkage, Laundering
James Heal - WickView moisture management testing instrument


Moisture Management Tester
Performance Testing